Linda Wibe Namsvatn, Ingunn R. Lyngroth og Ellen Dahl.
Heidi Frivoll
Lærerne har i samarbeid med UiA og Senter for yrkesfag jobbet med den nye læreplanen i kroppsøving for Vg1 (Helse- og oppvekstfag), og innførte fra høsten 2020 en ny årsplan med hovedfokus på at elevene skal kunne ta vare på helsen.
Prosjektets abstrakt:
Health and life skills is one of three interdisciplinary topics that was included in the national school curriculum in Norway in 2020. The subproject health and life skills is intended to give the pupils competence which promotes sound physical and mental health, which in turn provides opportunities for making responsible life choices. In the childhood and adolescent years, the development of a positive self-image and confident identity is particularly important. Life skills refers to the ability to understand and influence factors that are important for mastering one's own life. This topic shall help the pupils learn to deal with success and failure, and personal and practical challenges in the best possible way (Utdanningsdirektoratet (Directorate of Education), 2020). As a mean to contribute to these elements, a vocational school in Southern Norway implemented a range of inclusive learning activities within subject of gymnastics. The main goal of the inclusive activities has been to facilitate positive self-image and confident identity, which can lead to democracy and citizenship, both within the school, as well as within society as a whole. A focus on these areas over a period of six months seem to have given positive results in terms of increased self-image and confident identity amongst the pupils.
A survey was conducted pre- and post-implementing of the learning activities, as well as a control group survey (N=16 + 30). The survey contained questions which can be related to the perceived self-image. The 85 pre- and control group survey had similar results over a broad range of items, while the results from the post survey showed an increase within all items at the target school, which can be related to the pupils' experiences due to the implementation of the inclusive learning activities. During the project period the teachers developed and initiated the inclusive learning activities in collaboration with University in Agder. The teachers initiative has been an important factor, due to the democratic aspect as the overall intention.
The findings have given an insight into how teachers and pupils experience, interpret and implementing the interdisciplinary subject health and life skills in gymnastic.
The findings has provided an overall insight in how the pupils experience the implemented learning activities, and by that have led to a positive effect on most of the items concerning physical and mental health.
Linda Wibe Namsvatn, Sam Eyde vgs.
Christine E. Jacobsen, Sam Eyde vgs
Ellen Dahl, Sam Eyde vgs.
Ingunn R. Lyngroth, Sam Eyde vgs.
Lene Birgit Vaala, prosjektleder UiA
Martine S.Salater, prosjektmedarbeider UiA
Christine W. Kristiansen, prosjektmedarbeider UiA
Ellen Dahl, Linda Wibe Namsvatn, Ingunn R. Lyngroth
Heidi Frivoll